
FlexoArt - Cans

FlexoArt is the world leading manufacturer of fountain units. The FlexoArt chamber complete is today considered the industry’s standard. Our chamber units are used by can makers all over the globe to ensure continuously quality and trouble-free operation.

The latest generation FlexoArt units (G2) is designed and manufactured to surpass todays conditions.

The G2 program is designed to be compatible with older generation units so that these could be easily upgraded to the latest technology.

Don’t miss that there are tools available to enhance your everyday use with your FlexoArt chambers!


FlexoArt - Cans
FlexoArt - Cans
FlexoArt - Cans
FlexoArt - Cans
FlexoArt - Cans
OV standard cmp-cd2

Contact persons

FlexoArt - Alexander Ottosson FlexoArt - Alexander Ottosson

Technical sales

Alexander Ottosson